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Tanya Honor’s message on volunteering

Five years ago, my family and I packed our bags and left the UK to start a new life, here in Mullaloo. 

12.08.2021 NippersNews

As we looked out of the window of our holiday accommodation, we could clearly see Mullaloo Surf Club and decided to sign up that very day.

The lovely Jen was in the office, explaining what we would get for our membership and that they were looking for volunteers to join a Nipper Committee!

It was in that moment that I signed myself up for what has been a whirlwind of volunteering opportunities that then led me to take on the General Manager of Development.

My pathway from Nipper Committee, Sausage Sizzle Coordinator, Social Manager, Water Safety, Couch to Beach Coordinator, Age Group Manager, Nipper Manager and then GM of Development.

I have certainly packed in a lot of roles and a LOT of volunteer hours!

I spent three years learning to swim – just so I could pass my Bronze medallion and compete as a Beachie in the Masters State Championships.

Winning many medals, but my favourite will always be the Beach Relay ❤ whereby my team mates: Helen Gigney, Amanda Davies and Jude Harlow and I are currently State Champions…🎉

My point is, that there is SOMETHING for everyone at our club and the best way to make the most out of your membership and your Mullaloo experience – is to jump right in and get involved in a volunteering position.

All of my favourite memories have been those made here at the club.

It is a positive, intergenerational environment and a safe place to grow and develop your skills in an area that you feel passionate about.

As a result of building my skills through volunteering, I have managed to secure a fantastic new job, which sadly means I am no longer able to commit to the hours needed to plan and develop the General Manager of Development Portfolio.

The GM of Development covers the Woodside Nipper Program, Youth, Membership and more recently Accessibility & Inclusion.

You are responsible for leading a Nipper Committee and a team of over 40 long term volunteers to run and deliver the Woodside Nipper Program.

This role is very time consuming, committing a minimum of 20hrs per week, but one that can be extremely rewarding and will equip you with the skills and knowledge to help you develop your own career path journey.

I will still be at the club helping out and am happy to guide/support anyone looking to take on the GM Development portfolio.

If you are super organised, enthusiastic and have a lot of spare hours to give, then put your name forward and give it a go 😉

We also have a few other fantastic volunteer roles available for parents wanting to help out this season:

  • Nipper Manager 
  • Nipper Committee
  • U12 boys Age Group Manager
  • U6 Age Group Manager

To find out more about any of the above positions, email Tanya who is more than happy to assist.