Life Members
Our club is proud of the many members in its history who have contributed significantly and achieved great results. These members here are those whose association with Mullaloo has warranted Life Membership.
Our club is proud of the many members in its history who have contributed significantly and achieved great results. These members here are those whose association with Mullaloo has warranted Life Membership.
* denotes deceased.
President: 1964 – 1967. Ted introduced the Ted Scott Marathon in 1969 as a challenge for the lifesavers of the day. This annual event grew to become the primary beach/water event on the Club Calendar.
President: 1974 – 1977, Secretary: 1971 – 1974. Treasurer 1971 – 72, Vice President 1972 – 73, Vice president and secretary 1978 – 79, Secretary and Publicity 1979 – 80.
President: 1978 – 1981. Was a member of Z Force during the Second World War and spent a considerable amount of time behind enemy lines.
Foundation club member; inaugural president: 1961 – 1963. Life member of Scarboro SLSC. Foundation and life member of Trigg Island SLSC.
Joined on 01/09/1966. President: 1982 – 1984; vice-president: 1980 – 1982; junior officer: 1978 – 1981.
Joined on 19/10/1972. Club Person of the Year several times from 1973 to 1981. Treasurer: 1973 – 1974 and 1976 – 1978. Club captain: 1974 – 1975 and 1977 – 1981. Chief instructor: 1976 – 1977. Secretary: 1982 – 1984. Kevin was also a very good beach competitor when he was young and performed well in the beach flags.
Joined on 29/11/1978. Secretary: 1984 – 1991. Club Person of the Year: 1986. SLSWA director of juniors. Assisted in the running of the Australian Junior Championships conducted at Mullaloo SLSC in 1985. Nancy was also a tireless worker with the ladies’ auxiliary and organised many social functions.
Joined on 01/05/1986. Assistant/minute secretary: 1985 – 1995. Registrar: 1999 – 2005. Administration/finance: 1991 – 2003 when a permanent staff member was employed. Remained an active member in 2011, when she was known as The Oracle. Club Person of the Year, 1994.
Joined on 10/12/1986. Junior Officer: 1988 – 1991. Director of membership: 1991 – 1992. Secretary/administrator: 1992 – 1994. Vice-president: 1998 – 1999. Director of competition: 1998 – 2000. SLSWA director of competition.
Joined on 12/11/1976. Patrol Person of the Year: 1985. Club Person of the Year: 1988. Chief instructor: 1985 – 1989. Beach captain: 1989 – 1990. Vice – president: 1990 – 1991. Director of education: 1991 – 1993. Held a range of positions on the committee prior to the restructure in 1991. Ed was also deeply involved in the champion patrol and champion first aid competitions – with state and national medals.
Joined on 01/09/1987. President: 1992 – 1997. Vice-president: 1991 – 1992. Director of competition: 1991 – 1992. Director of marketing: 1998 – 1999. Was actively involved in the Club’s management restructure and development of a business-like focus.
Joined on 09/11/1979. Vice-president: 2000 – 2001. Chief instructor: 1981 – 1982. Director of juniors: 2000 – 2002. Dedicated surfboat member over the years. Held a range of positions on the committee prior to the restructure in 1991; Chair of the life membership committee for a number of years.
Joined on 01/08/1973. President: 2001 – 2005. Vice-president: 2000 – 2001. Chief instructor: 1982 – 1983. Director of lifesaving services: 1993 – 1995. Director of membership: 2000 – 2001. Director of education: 2006 – 2009. Held positions with SLSWA including chair of the development committee. Was awarded SLSWA Volunteer of the Year in 2007. Was a member of the State committee that restructured SLSWA. Held a range of positions on the Club committee prior to the restructure in 1991. Was chair of the life membership committee. Longest-serving patrol captain and patrolling member of the Club. A member of the board of management from 1987 – 2009, a period of 12 years.
Joined on 01/08/1982. Club Person of the Year: 1993. Vice-president: 2001 – 2004, and 2005 – 2006. Director of competition: 1992 – 1994, and 2000 – 2001. Director of marketing: 2001 – 2006. Administrator/secretary: 2006 – 2007. SLSWA Awards of Excellence: Awarded Coach of the Year: 2000; Men’s Beach Relay Team of the Year: 2000; Inducted into the SLSWA Sporting Hall of Fame in 2004. Western Suns coach/captain. Member of the board of management 1985 – 2007, a period of 13 years.
Joined on 01/10/1990. Vice – President: 1997 – 1998. Patrol Person of the Year: 1994. Director of membership: 1992 – 1993. Director of education: 1994 – 1995, and 2001 – 2002. Director of lifesaving services: 1995 – 1998. SLSWA Awards of Excellence: Examiner of the Year: 2000 and 2001.
Joined on 01/10/1991. Club Person of the Year: 1995. Director of education: 1993 – 1994. Director of competition: 1994 – 1995, and 1996 – 1997. Revised the course for the Ted Scott Marathon and active in the growth and development of the Mullaloo Masters group. Darryl was also a member of the Mullaloo grey crew which won numerous state titles in surf boat rowing.
Joined 01/09/1987. Patrol Person of the Year: 1993. Director of education: 1995 – 1996. Group Citation – Heroes of the Surf Award (jointly with Echo) on 15 June 1997. Club Person of the Year: 2003. Director of membership: 2003 – 2004. SLSWA President’s Award: 2006. SLSWA life member: 2008. SLSWA Awards of Excellence: Volunteer of the Year 2000; Administrator of the Year: 2007; Assessor of the Year: 2009; SLSWA President’s Award: 2009. SLSWA competition official for more than two decades from 1991. Club President 2010-12. Held a range of positions for many years with both SLSWA and SLSA.
Joined on 29/09/1990. Director of house: 1993 – 1995; 2002 – 2004; 2005 – 2007. Director of membership: 1995 – 1996. SLSWA competition official (beach) for many years; SLSA Australian Championships official (beach & IRB). Patrol Person of the Year: 2010. An ever-ready bus driver for the Bibbulmun Track and Cape to Cape trips. Treasurer for the Club’s “After Aussies” trip to New Zealand. Was always available with hammer, nails, drill or screwdriver for jobs needing to be done around the club.
Joined on 01/09/1989. A long-serving active patrolling member who was awarded Patrol Person of the Year in 1999. Involved with the education section for many years as trainer and assessor. Was always a willing volunteer, especially at proficiency time.
Joined on 17/09/1987. In the early stages, Alison worked in the Club’s Gear Shop before the current building was completed. Alison also served as a key club competition official for many years – assisting with the conduct and recording of the Club’s events. She was also an SLSWA Official for Interclub and State Championships for many years, working in water arenas. A quiet stalwart who contributed greatly.
Joined on 01/10/1989. Director of education: 1999 – 2001. Director of youth: 2004 – 2005. Director of lifesaving services: 2006 – 2010. SLSWA Awards of Excellence: Training Officer of the Year: 2001 and Lifesaver of the Year: 2002. Held positions with SLSWA and SLSA for some years, including a role as regional training consultant with responsibility for the oversight of training and assessment for four clubs, as well as an active member of the lifesaving panel. Barbara was also a significant contributor to the various editions of the SLSA Training Manual and First Aid Manual.
Immediate past president. Joined the Club in his youth, then left to pursue his career for a time before returning to the Club in the early 1990s. Actively involved in patrolling, training and assessing, and more recently, in competition at the Master’s level. In 2011 he was the SLSWA training consultant for the North Metropolitan Region and a member of the SLSWA Lifesaving Panel for several years. Also undertook the role of emergency response coordinator for SLSWA State Championships in 2009. Awarded the International Training Officer Award by International Life Saving in 2009.
Joined on 01/10/1996. A long-serving club member who commenced patrols on gaining his Bronze Medallion in season 1996/97. Active in member education, especially with the Surf Rescue Certificate (SRC) and adult SRC programs in both the Club and local schools. Active Masters competitor – not only in surf lifesaving but also in triathlon. In 2011 he was serving as the Club’s lifeguard liaison officer.
Joined in 1981 as one of only 7 girls in the u12s age group, Mandy has contributed as a competitor, board member, age group manager, coach, patrolling member and patrol captain. Mandy has mentored many young and … not so young members inspiring them to achieve at all levels. The regular winter weekend training has been a favourite in the Club calendar.
Joined in 1981. Val played a major role with her energetic support of the juniors/cadets and fundraising activities to assist with the clubs first tour to the SLSA Championships in Kurrawa QLD in 1984. Between that time to when she left the club in 2003, Val had achieved many levels of success as a level 1 & 2 coach and a competition official in the IRB racing and beach events. This culminated with her role as State Beach Referee for both Junior and Senior events. Val was awarded the SLSWA Competition Official of the Year in 2001.
Joined in 1998 with his children. Mark has worn many hats all with the clear intent of making our club a better place. Age Group Manager and a Competitor in boats, belts and marching. A Team leader in the annual Youth Cape South West camp. Trainer, assessor, member of the Board of Management as the Director of Education and later a General manager of Development. Mark is one of only a few individuals to hold an International lifesaving award as a trainer and assessor.
Joined in 1990 with his children. Was the Director of Finance for 5 years steering the club through to becoming a financially viable entity. Masters competitor, keeping a keen edge on the ski events. A Board member of SLSWA and the Chairman of the Finance committee. Chair of the Strategic committee for 2 years and the club trustee for 7 years. Worked with the reorganisation of the new constitution and management structure. Is a recognised 25 year patrolling volunteer.
Joined in 1998 with his children. Guy’s journey over the past 19 years has encompassed many roles within the Club – Director of Finance, General Manager of Support Services, Member of Risk and Governance Committee, Education Assessor and Trainer, South West Youth Camp Leader, Beach sprint Coach for Juniors and Seniors, Competition Official, IRB Officer, patrolling member to name a few. Life Membership is about special or distinguished service to the Club, so if you take the time to reflect on his personal contribution, then without his generosity, the Club may well be in a different place.
Joined the Club in 1998 with his children. Kevin is the Patrol Captain of Kirra and has actively patrolled since he gained his bronze medallion in 1999. 2019 marks his 20th consecutive year of volunteer patrol service. Kevin has had many roles in the Club such as an Age Group Assistant and Manager (12 years), beach set up crew (16 years), junior committee (4 years), vehicle officer (14 years) and 4WD trainer (7 years). He was also awarded Junior Activities person of the year in 2007. Kevin has also become an integral team member with the Balinese Lifeguard training program and has gained his International Life Saving (ILS) Trainers and Assessors qualification.
Joined the Club in 1989 and gained his bronze medallion in 1992. Has a 25 year national patrol service award. Was awarded a Certificate of Merit from SLSWA in 2012 for his involvement in the rescue of a fellow Club member following shark encounter at Mullaloo beach. Awarded Club President’s Award in 2013 for his role in setting up a shark detection system, working with Curtin University to form ‘BeachLab’ at Mullaloo. Played a pivotal role in the development of Club governance structure and Constitution. Has had a Board position and is Chair of the Technology Committee.
Been a member since 1998, gaining his bronze medallion in 2001. Patrol captain from 2004-2019. Manager of Education in 2016. Club IRB Person of the Year in 2010. Trainer of the Year in 2011 and later, Assessor of the Year in 2014. Drove the Westpac Drone program within Mullaloo in conjunction with SLSWA. Support Operations Volunteer of the Year in 2019. Currently holding the General Manager Operations position, ably steering the lifesaving and education portfolios.
One of the founding members of Yanchep Surf Life Saving Club in 1980. Joined Mullaloo in 1996. An Age Group Manager for nippers. Has a 25 year national service award. Held several roles including nippers swim and beach coach, Manager for Masters competition, Masters gym group coordinator and also as a State and Aussies Masters competitor. Continually encouraged and motivated many to be part of the Mullaloo Masters group, training for and competing at States and Aussies Masters. Has 11 Australian Masters titles and 28 SLSWA Masters titles.
Greg joined the Mullaloo SLSC in 1991 with his young family, becoming the age group manager for his son Matthew’s group for the whole seven years that he was a junior in the club.
Realising that he could embrace the Surf Club life, Greg gained his Bronze Medallion in 1993, also becoming a training officer for Bronze medallion. Whilst being an age group manager and a patrolling member, he then took the plunge and became Patrol Captain.
A glutton for punishment, in 1997 Greg put his hand up to be the Director of Junior Activities. He made great inroads into the structure we still have today in the Junior arena.
Greg has just completed 29 years of active patrol service and the Kelleher family is now three generations strong of clubbies.
In recent years Greg has contributed to the Club’s Building Committee, working to enhance the Club facilities for all.
He embraces all of the values of the Club and lives them every day. Integrity, Family, Safety, Respect, Excellence and Unity.
Surf Life Saving royalty is the best way to introduce Viv. She comes from the family of Trigg and has been part of the Association for probably more years than she can remember.
It’s actually hard to condense her contributions, they came under the headings of administration, patrol service and education.
Viv joined Mullaloo with her husband Tony in 1998 when their children were able to join Nippers.
Viv is a doer. By 2001 she became active in the administration on Sunday mornings, transitioned the club electronically into the 21st century and eventually became Club Administrator from 2002 -2006.
In 2006, Viv gained her Bronze Medallion, completed active patrols and has been awarded her 10 year patrol service award. She gained her Training Officer and Assessor for Bronze Medallion, ARC and Senior First Aid.
Viv took on the role as Co-ordinator of Training and Education and was a formidable part of the education portfolio for many years. She was recognised with the Club award of Training Officer of the Year in 2010/11.
Viv continued to contribute to the Club even when facing her own personal battles and the Greenfield’s are also three generations of clubbies.
She is a remarkable and outstanding member of our Club who exemplifies our Club values of integrity, trust, excellence, unity, safety and excellence.
To condense Sandy’s activities in Surf Life Saving is going to be a challenge.
Sandy joined the movement over 20 years ago and obtained her Bronze Medallion in 2001 at Sorrento SLSC. She transferred to Mullaloo in the 2004/05 season committing to becoming an Age Group Manager, patrolling member and competitor.
Sandy’s contribution to Mullaloo has been nothing less than remarkable. Her dedication and energy surpass even that of the Energizer bunny. Her passion is truly exceptional.
Sandy’s efforts include officiating, competing, training and assessing, Age Group Manager, patrol member, Club Honours and Awards Committee, Club Technology Committee, Director of Coaching, Competition Manager, General Manager of Surf Sports, Communications Manager, SLSA Women’s Mentor Program mentor, Director and Vice President.
Sandy introduced the Club’s tiered coaching structure, she is a surf boat coach and sweep, a member of the SLSWA and SLSA Surf Sports Advisory Committees. She has also been a Member of the National Development Advisory Committee, National IT Committee and SLSA Rescue of the Month Panel.
Sandy’s expanse of activities ranges from Club to national level. She has been nominated for and won many awards, including SLSA National Volunteer of the Year in 2018.
Her strengths include supporting, mentoring, coaching, leadership and innovation within the Club and at State and national level. Sandy’s selfless work for others reflects all of the values of our Club.
In 2006, Lyn joined Mullaloo Surf Life Saving Club, bringing extensive experience from her involvement in surf lifesaving in South Africa. She quickly engaged in the Juniors program, updating her skills and showing exceptional commitment to skill development and excellence.
For five years, Lyn served as an Age Group Manager, supporting young members. As her children grew into the youth category, she sought additional ways to contribute to the club, its members, the association, and the community. Lyn became a trainer and assessor, upholding high standards and fostering inclusivity within the team.
Over a decade, Lyn skillfully managed membership and administration as a director/manager. Eventually, she took a well-deserved break but remained passionate about education and continued to assist whenever possible.
Lyn’s contributions extended beyond the club. She shared her expertise in information technology and mentored other clubs, actively contributing to SLSWA. Lyn has received numerous club awards, including club administrator (three times), club trainer, junior activities volunteer, presidents award, and SLSWA administrator of the year (twice). Her instrumental role in introducing the National Patrol Service awards for Mullaloo and uploading historical data onto surf guard was particularly noteworthy.
Lyn’s journey exemplifies unwavering dedication, significant contributions, and a lasting impact on the surf lifesaving community.
Jacqui and husband Rob, along with their two boys, joined Mullaloo Surf Life Saving Club as a family in 2004. Jacqui quickly obtained her patrolling awards, starting with the SRC and progressing to the bronze medallion. She demonstrated a strong commitment to lifesaving by acquiring additional certifications and taking on various roles within the club, including water safety coordination, patrol captaincy, and trainer/assessor positions.
Jacqui’s dedication extended to coaching juniors, officiating competitions, and serving as a technical senior official and judge in boat at surf sports events for over 15 years.
Jacqui’s involvement extended beyond her regular duties, as she served on the board for numerous years, overseeing various management areas such as House, Marketing, and Administration. Currently, she holds the position of director and manager of facilities while also serving as a member of the education committee. Her contributions to the club, the state, and SLSA as a whole are so extensive that listing them all would be impossible.
In recognition of her remarkable dedication, Jacqui has received seven awards within the club and was a finalist at the SLSWA Awards of Excellence. She is a proud club member who continually gives her best, embodying the core values of family, safety, respect, integrity, unity, and excellence, in which she truly excels.
Brett joined Mullaloo in 2000, fully immersing himself in the surf lifesaving culture. Joining with his family, his immediate concern was how he could contribute his talents and skills to the club and the broader surf lifesaving community. Obtaining his bronze medallion in 2003, Brett has remained a dedicated and committed patrolling lifesaver ever since. For many years, he has served as a patrol captain, a role he continues to fulfill today. Notably, Brett has excelled in engaging and inspiring the young members under his care, particularly the SRC group, showcasing his genuine love for the kids and their development.
Brett’s background as a Major in the SAS brought a strong sense of integrity, leadership, communication skills, and teamwork to the club. He recognised the importance of inclusivity and passionately directed his skills towards the juniors and youth. Whether through organising entertaining games on the beach or fostering teamwork, community responsibility, and effective communication, Brett consistently upheld the club’s values of family, integrity, unity, trust, excellence, and safety. His unwavering commitment has earned him the title of Nipper Activities Volunteer of the Year in 2022, a testament to his continued dedication even after 20 years of membership.
In addition to his role as a patrol captain of Bells patrol, Brett has taken on various responsibilities within the club, including trainer and assessor, board and swim coach, youth mentor, age group manager, strength and conditioning trainer, and member of the board of directors. His valuable skills and expertise have also been shared with the wider community. Throughout his journey, Brett has exemplified a quiet achiever, garnering deep respect as a leader within the club.
Be a lifesaver, build a lifesaver, enjoy connecting with your community.