Mullaloo Masters
A number of training opportunities whether for fitness, competition or just fun, are available for our Masters – known as the over 30s. With such a variety, there is sure to be something to join!
Want to join in but not sure how, contact our fountain of knowledge and rounder upper – Jenny Orme!
Think you’re too old to get involved, well we have quite a few that would argue … quite strongly against that word “old”.
with a “Coffee & Chat” emphasis
- Ability to come down to the club, ask to be pointed in the direction of any of the Masters and just introduce yourself. Drink coffee (of course we accept you may drink tea, chocolate, soy, oat or even water!).
- Ability to laugh at self and with others, to speak nonsense, willing to go for a trot or swim or help the social or work committees with any club functions. Drink Coffee (see the trend)
- Ability to sit outside Swell Café or Boardies Kiosk, chat & drink… coffee.
- Club Swim: Sundays 9.00-9.05 am
- “Ed’s Swim”: Sundays just after club swim. 9.05 – 9.45am approx.
- On beach. Ask for Ed Neilan. 10.00 am onwards: Coffees & Chat in the Courtyard
Gym and Fitness – Female focus
- Monday, Wednesday and Fridays 4.30 pm. Club gym. Ask for Kay Smith.
Wednesday Water Madness
- Swim, body board, body surf, jog – you choose.
- 8.00am: Meet on beach
- 9.00 am onwards: Coffee on outside verandah Swell Café
- Ask for Sarah Gregson or Jenni Wood
Run /Jog
- Monday 5:15 pm – 6.15 pm
- Meet in Park outside club. Ask for Stu Ketteringham
Skis not required – could swim or run.
- Monday, Wednesday and Fridays
- 7.00am Meet in ski shed. Ask for Dale Gration/Jeff Baker/Phil Dee/Richard Orme
- 8.00am onwards: Coffee & Chat on outside verandah Swell Café
Open Water Swims
- Monday,Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday Mornings.
- 7.00 am on beach. Ask for Kim Allen / Mark Harvey / Ed Neilan
- 7.45 am onwards: Coffee & Chat on outside verandah Swell Café
Saturday Splash & Chat
- 7.00 am: Off the beach: Ski Paddle or swim or run
- 8.00am onwards: Coffees & Chat in the Courtyard near Boardies Kiosk.
- Ask anyone over 30 years old – usually a good crowd.
Still with a “Coffee & Chat” emphasis:
- Current SLSA Bronze Medallion
- Sense of humour
- Coffee & Chat skills.
Ski Training
- Ski & HI VIZ vest required. Ask for Brenton Rose or Nathan Vartesi
- Tuesday, Thursday mornings. On beach 5.25 am for water start 5.30 am finish 6.30 am
- Thursday afternoon: On beach 5.25 pm for water start 5.30 pm finish 6.30 am
- Saturday Morning: On beach 6.25 am for water start 6.30 am finish 7.30am
- 8.00am onwards: Coffees & Chat in the Courtyard near Boardies Kiosk.
Board Training – Masters Focus
Board & HI VIZ vest required.
- Wednesday Mornings 5.30am: Starts in November 2021. Ask for Brenton Rose
Iron Training
Board, Ski & HI VIZ vest required.
- Saturday Morning: 8.00 am. Ask for Troy Biard.
- It is expected Masters will have the wisdom to cut laps short if necessary and to adapt session activites to suit their capabilities.
Swim Training
Pay for pool entry. Club has paid for lane hire.
- Monday 6.45 pm – 8.00 pm. HBF arena Joondalup. Ask for Martyn Pigg
Additional Swim Training – Masters Focus.
- Some Masters have joined a swim squad “Mongrel Instincts” which swims at Craigie Leisure Centre Monday & Friday Mornings 7.00 – 8.00 am.
- Coach: Matt Williams or Facebook
Run Training – on Mullaloo beach
- Monday 6.00pm – 7.00 pm. Ask for Troy Baird
Strength & Conditioning – Masters Focus
- Tuesday Evening: 6.00 pm – 7.30 pm Club Gym
- Please contact Cameron Rapley, General Manager Surf Sports before you attend this session.
“Age and treachery will always overcome youth and skill”