BeachLab Shark Mitigation
BeachLAB was a collaboration between Mullaloo Surf Life Saving Club and Curtin University, which commenced in 2013.
BeachLAB was a collaboration between Mullaloo Surf Life Saving Club and Curtin University, which commenced in 2013.
Researchers are Curtin’s Centre for Marine Science and Technology (CMST) are currently studying the application of sonar technology in detecting the presence of marine animals in a monitored area at Mullaloo Beach.
BeachLAB is looking at large-scale beach coverage for detection and alert rather than individual protection units used by some swimmers. It also seeks to alert swimmers of potential marine threats audibly and visually while they are in the water, rather than digitally through apps or online services.
Research currently being conducted by BeachLAB includes:
This system has been a world first and was recently recognised at the WAITTA Incite awards as a National Finalist.
This system was originally developed as a proof of concept, with funding from the Club, volunteer support, and donations from organisations such as Whitfords Sea Rescue, RPS MetOcean and RADLINK.
In April 2015, a second detection buoy was deployed off Mullaloo Beach, approximately 500m North of the Club and 200m offshore. This buoy is also directly connected to the command and control system to provide additional detection capability at Mullaloo Beach. The Club detection buoys, along with the Department of Fisheries detection units, now provide us with more than one square kilometre of coverage for tagged sharks. This is a world first for any beach.
The system is now being integrated into the general alarm system of the Club. Future underwater detections will supplement the observations of lifesavers on duty. It will also provide additional detection capability for tagged sharks on a 24/7 basis when the beach does not have lifesavers on duty.
Further trials of SONAR technology will continue with CMST in the near future with the hope that one day a suitable system will be developed and funded to be implemented at Mullaloo Beach.